Columbus, OH

Bathtub, Sink and Tile Reglazing, Resurfacing and Refinishing Services in Columbus, OH

An aerial view of a mountain range with a blue sky in the background.

Located in the heart of Ohio, Columbus is one of the most populous state capitals in the nation. Columbus is the home to several nationwide corporations ranging from retail and fast food to chemical manufacturing and medical research, and over 145 acres of parkland along the Scioto River. The Ohio State University is in Columbus, and is one of the largest schools in the United States. Columbus consistently ranked as one of the top places to live in the Midwest, and one of the country’s largest rock festivals takes place in the city each May. Bath Magic resurfaces tubs, tile and sinks around Columbus and its suburbs daily, from Dublin and Groveport to Westerville and Galloway.

What is Bathtub Resurfacing?

Resurfacing is the process of refurbishing your bathtub, shower stall, sink or tile so it returns to having the bright, shiny surface from when it was first installed. Your surface will look like new! Bath Magic utilizes two types of finishes, one of which dries within four hours, so you can use your new surface that day. While replacing your fixtures can be costly, resurfacing provides an inexpensive alterative to having your porcelain fixtures match the rest of your bathroom.

Bathtub, Sink and Tile Reglazing and Resurfacing in Columbus, Ohio

Bath Magic has specialized in refinishing tubs, shower stalls, sinks and wall tile since its founding in 1993. Refinishing your tub costs a fraction of replacement and can be done right in your home. Our process will save you the time, money and hassle it takes to replace your tub, and we will provide you with resources to make your new finish last as long as possible. To request an estimate, call us at (614) 224-2284 or fill out our online form.

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Located in the heart of Ohio, Columbus is one of the most populous state capitals in the nation. Columbus is the home to several nationwide corporations ranging from retail and fast food to chemical manufacturing and medical research, and over 145 acres of parkland along the Scioto River. The Ohio State University is in Columbus, and is one of the largest schools in the United States. Columbus consistently ranked as one of the top places to live in the Midwest, and one of the country’s largest rock festivals takes place in the city each May. Bath Magic resurfaces tubs, tile and sinks around Columbus and its suburbs daily, from Dublin and Groveport to Westerville and Galloway.


Columbus, OH 

(614) 224-2284

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